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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 102.pdf

Revision as of Apr 28, 2024, 12:36:06 PM, edited by

1845 Crops 1846 {bold}
Sept'r 10/11 8 Bush'ls Fall Wheat - S. East end of Clearance
April 18 4 Bush'ls Peas. South next Fallow
20 6 - " __ Sib'n Wheat next Fall Wheat
21 4 --" -- Peas -- East of Manured P's
22 4 --" -- Sib'n Wheat
23 1 1/2 Pecks Timothy - nar Hemlock manured
25 6 Bush'ls Siberian - Summer Fallow
27 4 --" -- -- Do --
28 3 =="-- Do -- West of West Barn
29 1 --" 1 Peck Do East of Do
30 16 --" -- Oats - South of Fall & Sib'n Wheat
May 1 4 --"-- Do Do East end
" 1 1/2 -- Siberian East of Do
5 6 --" -- Do in New Land South
13 5 --"-- Potatoes (Meriers) behind West Barn
16/18 8 @ 11 Bush's Do Do Red Pink Eyes ( up mill 15@ 16 Bls
second page Crops 1843
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