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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925
Revision as of May 6, 2022, 11:43:55 AM, edited by
Saturday, January 24
Nov 20th. Took up the dahlia & gladioli bulbs.
.. Brought the colts down from Cunninghams place.
.. 22nd. Went to Sunday in the Glen in the morning and Miss M. Scott and I drove over to Poppies S.S. in the afternoon and succeeded in organizing a Teacher Training.
..23.. Finished threshing out 1075 bus in all. 90 bus of wheat 300 mixed grain one barley & bus of oats.
..24.. Drove Angus to the station in the morning and went to sale at Uncle Tom Sharps in the afternoon, when Uncle {?} things were sold and divided among the shareholders.
..25.. Went to S.S. county council meeting held in the Y.M.C.A. Brantford. Mr Halpenny gave a fine address on "Leadership"
..26.. Started to plow again after ten days of very cold windy weather.
..27.. Drew in four loads of greystone Turnips.
..30.. A very wet day, especially in the forenoon
Dec 1st. A very warm day, although very misty. Angus went to Chicago
.. 2nd Went to Concert, supper & bazaar held in the Central Hall. {illegible}
..3rd Finished plowing sod in in 14 acre field.
..4th Plowed sod at foot of hill north of orchard.
..11.. Finished drawing in cornstalks 7 loads in all.
..8 .. Maggie Sharp, Cousin Bessie and I went to Harold Jarvis and Miss Lyons Concert at St. George.
..12.. Finished digging post holes down south lane.
..13.. Several inches of snow came.