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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


Revision as of Feb 15, 2022, 3:30:44 AM, created by

Monday, January 26


Jan. 1st New Years day was a fine frosty day. we spent the day at home having invited Bessie and Angus in for dinner. making six of us with Marjory and Mr & Mrs Lewis, had duck for dinner.

..3rd. Drove down to St. George to S.S. in the morning, Taking Mrs Farg{harsns?} class of boys, she being away for her vaction.

..4th Election Day for our township, R J Aitkin having been elected by acclamation only councillors were voted on, and A Craighton, Fred Rosetrough, John Ronald & C Burt were elected. Went to Guild meeting at Glen Morris in the evening to hear the debate, "Resolved that Germany was justified in going to war". The negative side winning although both sides put up a splendid debate.

.. 6th. A very wet day which took a lot of the snow away but also put a lot of water in the cisterne.

..8.. Started to draw Turnips to Paris on the sleigh. Red sow had 2 little pigs (11th) went to congregational meeting.

..14.. Finished drawing turnips to Paris, 8 loads making 470 bus @ 10c per bus.

.. Fred Aurrie came for a visit and stayed all night.

..15.. Opened the siol which came out in good shape not a great deal being spoiled.

..16 Drew a load of straw to the pig pen and drew out manure making about 48 loads out.

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