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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925
Revision as of Feb 27, 2022, 7:05:10 PM, created by
Sunday February 15
Dec 23rd when the Riddies got a big surprise, as Mrs Mr {illegible} and Mrs Moore had provided presents for all the little folks and it was just good to see the way they enjoyed it.
24th Drove to {illegible} in the afternoon (with the cutter) and spent the evening at Mr C. Scotts.
25 A heavy fall of snow came during the night {illegible} to rain in the morning, which made it rather disagreeable for Xmas. but it faired about noon and we all enjoyed our Xmas. Went to Uncle Tom Sharpe for Xmas dinner, Uncle Andrews were also there and we had a very spleasant day.
26 Went to Presby {illegible} Church at night to hear the rendering of a Sacred Cantala by the choir.
29 Accepted an invitation to tea and to spend the evening at Mr + Mrs Mc{illegible}, when Mr + Mrs Dr. Brown was home from Toronto. A very stormy day.