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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


Revision as of Feb 27, 2022, 7:19:54 PM, created by

Monday, February 16

1916 Jan 1st. Rather a rainy day to begin the new year and raining very hard at night. Went to Mr + Mrs {illegible}'s with Williams for new years dinner.

3rd Went to the Glen to vote in the afternoon, the old council being returned. Drove over to Uncle Andrews at night to see Ada and say Good-Bye.

4th Killed 2 pigs {illegible} about 165 each (dressed). Went to meeting of Farmers Club Directors at H. Laines.

5th Ada Sharpe wedding day. A very wet day.

6 Helped H. Cunningham to saw wood in the afternoon. Held our Literary Evening in the S.S room, a good program was given and also the debate, "Resolved that United States is justified in not entering the the present European War" Will {illegible} and I upheld the Affirmative while Jas. Aitkin of R. Robertson upheld the negative, the judges decided 1 to 6 in favor of the affirative.

7 Drew 2 loads of hay to Cement Works @15.00 per load. Canvassed from here to St. George for the motor ambulance to be sent from St.George to France.

8 Drew 6 loads of corn into the barn.

11 Kenneth McDonald and I went down to St.George to a temperance meeting for to appoint {illegible} for the township in the coming Probition {illegible}.

12 Went to the bush to repair roof of shanty.

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