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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


Revision as of Mar 6, 2022, 9:39:36 PM, edited by

Sunday, March 1


Sept 28th. Our Wedding Day, and were married at the methodist church parsonage by Rev Wells. After a very fine Wedding Dinner at the home of Mr + Mrs D. M. Less, we took the 1.45 train for Buffalo and took the boat from there to Clevelays where Edith's Sister Elvira Depew met us, and where we spent a week of our honey-moon, visiting at {illegible} and going out. On our way home we spent a day or two at {illegible} at {illegible} and at middle {illegible} in Niagara Fa;;s who were cousins of Edithe, visited shredded wheat factory.

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