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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


Revision as of Mar 13, 2022, 5:37:26 AM, edited by

Tuesday, March 10


Apr. 17th Went to St. George for Spray material 1 small barrel of Lime Sulphur salt and a can of Arsonate of Lead. Solf the last of the wheat @2.05 per bus shipped a bag of potatoes to Willie Galbraith.

.. 18 .. Herb Cunningham came up with his engine and we sawed the wood in the afternoon , a fine warm Spring day.

.. 19. Helped R. McDonald to saw wood.

.. 20.. Mr Johnson to saw wood in the morning, a very fine warm rain last night. cleaned up the last of the seed Oats

.. 23 .. Sprayed the Orchard with Lime Sulphur & Arsonate of Lead. We drove over to Boakes in the evening for some seed oats.

.. 24 Cultivated up part of the wheat in Creek field and sowed mixed grain on it.

.. 25 .. Sowed some mixed grain in wheat field next canning

.. 30 .. Finished sowing mixed grain in back 14 acre field (oats & Barley) Received 5 cherry trees from Smiths nursery. {Winona?} 2 in wood 1 Early Richmond and 2 Black Oxheart.

May 1st Bought of Horman Clump one saw, Berkshore 7 mon old for $2.00 Mr & Mrs Johnson and family came over for tea and the evening to help celebrate Earl's Birthday.

.. 2nd The first of May was quite wet and both 1st & 2nd very windy.

.. 3rd Started to cultivate in clump field for oats.

.. 4th Sowed clover & Timothy seed on back 14 acre field and harrowed it with new sett of harrows.

.. 5 .. A wet day. Received 3 rose bushes from Hort. Society.

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