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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


Revision as of Mar 14, 2022, 3:06:17 AM, edited by

Friday, March 13


June 10th. Drove over to Will Nicllers after Sunday School.

.. 12 .. Finished plowing turnip ground and drawing out manure.

.. 13 .. Went to our S.S. Convention at the Baptist church St. George. the speakers were fine and it was a splendid Convention although it rained at night.

.. 16 Finished planting potatoes in young orchard, planted about 10 bags on 1 1/2 acre, longest potatoes at south side

.. 17 Communion Sunday at church, a very nice day.

.. 18 Finished planting root ground & sett posts for wire fence.

.. 19 Painted parlor floor in the afternoon.

.. 21 .. Sprayed the orchard and burned bush.

.. 22 .. Cultivated mangels & corn the first time and helped Bob McDonald to plant potaotes in the afternoon

.. 23 .. Started to thin mangels, turned very wet at noon.

.. 24 .. Edith and I drove to Paris & took the car to Stratford to see {?}

.. 26 ..A wet day, helped to clean the kitchen.

.. 27 .. Repaired ends of the culvet at Johnsons in 5 acre the ends had fallen out. George Lees & Father & Mother came for a visit.

.. 28 .. Mr & Mrs Wolfe and family came over for tea and the evening.

.. 29 .. Held our S.S. Picnic in the afternoon which was a {nice?cut off} success as the afternoon turned out fine and bright.

.. 30 .. Cultivated the garden & the mangels the second time Bought { cut off & 2 yards of hose?} Fred Archibald came up from Hamilton for the 1st. Sowed about 2 acres of turnips in the afternoon East of {illegible} Russel McCrae called in the evening.

July 1st. A very heavy rain in the morning and again in the afternoon.

. 2nd Cultivated corn & finished hoing mangels. also planted{cut off} Started holding S. S. down stairs again. Popcorn butter - beams {illegible} beets etc. Milton Lee came out for a visit

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