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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


Revision as of Mar 14, 2022, 5:07:41 AM, edited by

Friday, March 20


Dec. 1 & 3. Drew wheat to Paris and brought home a new (missy?} Harris corn binder which Ryecroft & I had bought.

.. 5th Helped Bob McDonald to take his fat calves to Paris

.. 6 .. Drew the remainder of rails next to Dalzells barn

.. 8 & 9 Very stormy days more like a March storm than Dec.

.. 10 .. Edith & I went to Paris taking Leone to see Aunt Betsy.

.. 11.. Drew a load of hay to cement works

.. 13 .. Wen to Will Ronalds sale in the afternoon, bought a {missey?} Harris seed drill for $16.00. Edith & Leone visited at {Helmans?}.

.. 14 .. Took a load of potatoes to Brantford @ 2.25 per bag.

.. 15 .. Brought new fixed-carrier & hook, home from St. George Clarance Newton helped put up a load of wheat in afternoon.

.. 17 .. Dominion Election Day when the Union Government was sustained by a substantial majority. Edith & I went to Uncle Tom Sharps for dinner.

.. 18 .. Edith, Leone & I went to Woodstock for the day, had a nice visit.

.. 19 .. Took a load of wheat to Paris, went to concert at School at night.

.. 20.. Took Geese & chickens to Brantford market, the geese sold readly alive but not the chickens drove to Maymes for a little visit

.. 21 .. Went to R. {Irving?} sale and took a run up to Galt on the {car?}

.. 22 .. Went to St. George to get a parcel from Eatone.

.. 24 .. Picked 11 chickens in the afternoon for Xmas trade

.. 25 .. Went to Lillenette & Will Millers for Xmas dinner and afternoon.

.. 28 .. A very cold day, called at Armstrongs {?} on behalf of present for Mr {Fargwharsons?}. Helped R. McDonald thresh hay.

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