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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


Revision as of Mar 14, 2022, 5:23:38 AM, created by

Sunday, March 22


Jan 1st Spent the day at home as Edith was not well. Opened the silo and tried the new feed carrier which worked fine.

.. 2nd Went to Will Ronald's for Massey Harris Seed Drill which I bought at his sale for $16.00. Had dinner at Forbes. Went to Moores at Blue Lake for tea and the evening.

.. 3rd. Dan Forbes came down to help and we drew 2 loads of straw up to the pig-pen. Went to Prayer meeting at Johnsons in the evening.

.. 4th. Started to draw out manure

.. 5 .. Went to Brantford to see about Exemption of D. Forbes

.. 9 .. Went to Johnsons for tea and to spend the evening.

.. 10 .. Congregation meeting at St. George in the evening.

.. 11 .. Drew a load of hay to stable at cement works.

.. 12 & 13 Two rainy stormy days, so stormy that the trains were all blocked for several days as well as the roads. The wind blew so hard that the snow blew through the cracks of the buildings until everything was white.

.. 17 .. Fred Carrie and his wife and baby Jean came down from Galt for a few days. being home on a visit from Alberta.

.. 18 Went to Aunt Bessie Mcmans funeral from Hatie & Arthur Greens where they brought her from Rochester, where she had died at Freds of appoplexy

19 .. Bob & Maggie Aitkin came down for the evening.

.. 20 .. Took Fred Carrie & Family to Paris station (L.E.S.H.) on the way to Galt.

.. 21 .. Went to Patriotic Service in Methodist church St. George.

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