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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925
Revision as of Mar 14, 2022, 7:20:54 PM, created by
Aug 17th Finished drawing grain off {illegible} + loads of mixed grain {illegible} + Oats and 2 1/2 of loose {nakings?}
- 18 - Went over to George Lees for tea in the evening.
- 19 - Picked yellow Sugar plums nearly 4 small baskets.
- 21 - Finished drawing in oats 8 1/2 loads off centre East field and 9 loads off fields next Dalgells barn.
- 22 - Went to Paris in the evening to meet {Deparis?} on arrival from {illegible}
- 23 - Started to plow 14 acre field for wheat.
- 25 - Bert WIlliamson came up for the day and took Harry home
- 26 - Finished {haling?} mangels turnips 2nd line. Pollanna had a little {van?} H. Calf
27 - Grandma + Grandpa lee, Ed + {illegible} Depaw + family came over for the day
28 - A very fine rain to-day, which was very badly needed, the ground being almost to dry to plow. {Sett up mew?} corn. {illegible}
- 29 - Drove Mayme and the children home to Brantford in afternoon
- 30 - Leme's first birthday and it was Jean Johnsons birthday too, they had a little party {illgible} there for them both
Sept 2nd Borrowed H. Cunninghams ground plow to plow for wheat. May lemm came to {help?} Edith for a {illegible} {below main line}
- 3rd Helped R. Aitkins to thesh {illegible} the {farm?}
- 6th Finished plowing 14 acre field for wheat.
- 7 - Blasted 5 large stones in back 14 acre field. Fred Archibald came up for a little visit.
- 8 - We went to {Alus?} Lees for Dinner + Tea and to the {illegible} S.S. PRally?}
- 9 Went to Simms threshing
- 10 Helped Johnsons to threst in {illegible} + Hartleys in afternoon
- 11 -Scott Bros came to thresh, threshing 13 {bus?} in one day.