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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


Revision as of Feb 20, 2022, 9:28:23 PM, created by


April 14th {Drew manure?} to the garden + cleaned out the closet.

- 16 - A very wet day. {Turning?} {illegible} evening.

- 17 - Went to Paris for Edith + Lene {illegible} had stayed at {illegible} for a few days

- 18 - Good Friday and a very nice day

- 19 - Don + {Jack Gullen? Josh Gullen?} came {over?} for the holidays + {K. Archibald?} {illegible}

- 22 - {illegible} field and started to {culminate?} in {illegible} for {illegible}

- 25 - A very cold wind yesterday and to-day. {turning to snow?} {illegible}. Blew {up a big stow? store? snow?} in {each?} field with {illegible}

- 27 - Don + Jack Gullen went home in the evening

- 28 - {Durean?} + Aunt Susie Miller came for a visit

- 29 - Dan came at noon. To start to work

- 30 - Sowed {illegible} in {book ten aese?} field.

May 1st. A wet day, drew a load of {illegible} from Ronald-{bush?}.

- 2nd. Finished sowing {mixed?} grain in {s aese?} field?

- 3 + 4 Some very heavy rains which {R...?} the seeding book

- 5th. Went to Jim {Aitkins?} for a load of straw {from?} {illegible} and {rolled hay field?} + started to {illegible} garden + {start early?}. Went to {illegible} @ {St George?}

- 7 - Sold {7?} hogs at {illegible} 1370 {illegible} @ {20.39 per lbs?}

- 8 - Finished sowing {mix?} and grain in {crick?} field

- 9 - Sowed {Oats?}. {Barley?} + sugar - cane in {illegible} shed.

- 10 - A very wet day. Cleaned and {sealed?} the {heavy?} {illegible}. {Start out?} {illegible} to the {delinent?} S.S. {s?}

- 14 - Finished cultivating {rolling the?} {illegible} ground. {Blacksaw had a?} {illegible}

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