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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


Revision as of Feb 24, 2022, 10:26:14 PM, created by


Nov 3rd. Started to pull turnips, Ralph Bueglass stayed over {cut off}

- 4th Started to draw turnips to the Glen @ {30c?} per {bue?}

- 5 + 6th Helped Walter McPherson to {thresh?}.

- 8 - Finished drawing in Swede Turnips, drew 2{+6 bue?} to the Glen + put about 225{lbs?} in celllar beside 3 loads of culls. Sister hellie came for a few days visit.

- 9 - WIll Millers came over for S.S. and stayed for tea.

- 10 - Shipped 3 {bushels?} of apples to Hamilton to Fred Archibald

- 11 - Edith and I drove to Brantford going to Echo Place.

- 12 - took 3 {bushels?} of apples to Paris + came by R. {Geals?} getting 2 {calfs?}

- 12 - First hard frost last night, having been a very mild fall

- 14 - Brought the young cattle home from the bush and sawed a load of {shacks?} in the afternoon .with circular-saw.

- 15 Drew corn shocks into the barn and finished drawing in the white turnips in the afternoon about 100 {bas?}

- 16. Edith + Leme went to Guelph with George + Family.

- 17 - A very fine day. The frost coming out of the ground so we could plow again. Fixed fence on north side of {young?} orchard.

- 18 - Edith + I went to Brantford to {angle?} Henry Lee's funeral. Went to {illegivle{ meeting at the Glen in the evening.

- 20 - Bought a calf 3 {mos?} old from Grandpa Lee. Went to the Glem to hear Prod. Lowe lecture

- 21 - Finsished plowing back {14?} fiels.

26 - Went to S.S County Council Meeting in Y.M.C.A Brantford going to the {Crea's?} for dinner and a little visit.

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