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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


Revision as of Feb 26, 2022, 7:40:15 PM, created by


Jan 1st. A rather cold stormy day. we all went to a Ney Years dinner at Aunt {Hellens? Hellers?} S {Tewanto?} at the Glem. There were about forty present and we spend a very fine day.

- 3rd. Mr Ingham of Glen {movis?} gor stalled with the Auto truck and we had to get the team and pull the car in here for the night.

- 6th. Got the sleigh out for the first time and we all went to Paris and brought {time?} ie {illegible} of Came {illegible}

- 8 - Edith went to {Medbule healing?} at Miss {Dills?". Hest Cumminhamd came to visit with {illegible} {Cunice?}

- 10 - Edith took {sick with a bad attack of the digestion?}

- 12 - Finished drawing turninps to town,{illegible} of small turnips {illegible}

- 13 - Went to Congregational meeting at St George. {Presly?} Church in Evening

- 15 Went to the Glen for {hellie?} who came to help Edith for a {illegible} {eye?}

- 18 - A very stormy Sunday and very few were out at Sunday School

- 19 - Took hellie to the Glen in the afternoon

- 20 - A very stormy day blocking the roads again.

- 21 - Went to Paris in the afternoon to meet Fred Carsie.

- 22 - Started to draw {mamire?} to the fields using the new {Litter carrier?}. to had direct from stable and {dry?} stalls.

- 24 - Repaired and put storm gates at the {illegible} of the lane.

- 25 - Rev. Jim {Edueside?} of Paris came to our S.S and gave us a splendid talk on Y.M.C.A work, Mr {Edenside Rabbis cut off...} and W. Helman stayed to have tea with us.

- 26 - Finished cutting {in?} a willow tree in the {swamp?}

- 27. Went to {illegible} banquet in Presley Church St. George. in the everning Rev Mr, Woodside of Brantford the chief speaker

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