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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925
Revision as of Mar 12, 2022, 8:59:04 PM, created by
May 2nd Went to Church in the evening to hear Dr {McMiller?} speak on the new Church {Hyground?} Called at Green for a while in the evening\
- 3rd Tread Red Clover seed and sowed on {South Hill?}
- 5th Finished seeding 10 acres of {illegible} 9 acred of mixed grain on North hill firld + 1 acre {illegible} + 7 acres mixed grain on centre East field. Sowed 3 1/2 acres yellow {bloom?} sweet Cloves. 13 1/2 acres red Clover + {Timothy?}. Mrs Reynods came down to help Edith house-clean. Grandpa Lee finished trimming Young {illegible{}
- 6th Went to congregational meeting at Presbyterian Church St George.
- 7 - Went to D. McPhersons for 3 loads of straw.
- 9. Rev C.D. Farguharem preached his farewell Sermon in St. George, from the {Test?}. "I am not ashamed of the Gospel {film?}"
- 13 - Finished drawing off a stone file on north hill.
- 14 - Edith + Leme + I went to Brantford in the afternoon going to Gullens for tea. Finished plowing arranged ground.
- 15 Goose came off with 13 little goslings. Took cattle back to the bush (9) and {apraised?} the {forms?}
- 17 Started to dig past goles for north line fence.
- 19 Cleaned out the pig pen + drew {illegible} to field.
- 20 Went to the Glen to gut a load of Oats from R. Murrays
- 21 Went to Empire Day Programe at the school in afternoon
- 22 {Soyed the mangels along?} {illegible}
- 23 - Went to Anniversary Services at {illegible} Curch St. George. Pollama had a little white {heifer?} calf.