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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


Revision as of Mar 11, 2022, 12:21:12 AM, created by

Wednesday, May 6


Feb 9th Mr Hartley and Mr Johnson helped to saw wood in afternoon

.. 10 . Quite a heavy snowstorm nearly 6 inches of snow. Went to Sunday School Executive Meeting in

. 12 . Black cow had a little black & white heifer calf.

.. 14 .. Bert Williamson came up for a week or two to help cut some wood. Went to Mr Hirbys sale in the afternoon Went to U. F. U Meeting at the Glen in the evening. Roan Heifer had a red heifer calf

.. 16 .. A very mild day taking all our snow away again

. 17 .. Jim McDonald came back from Stratford for a few days. Holstien cow had a fain of pair of twin calves

.. 19 Went to Brantford taking apples and potatose, had dominant

.. 21 Went to S.S

.. 22 Drove over to Millers in the afternoon . {illegible} Park Sale Day Echo Place and went to Lecture in Congregated Church. Paris on the book "Silae Marner" by Rod Capt. Mastin of Brantford

.. 21 Went to St. George to Trustee meeting to arrange for Sale and {illegible} Went to Newtons in the evening to S.S Meeting.

.. 23 A nice fall of snow last night which made fair sleigh for the {illegible}

.. 24 Cleaned Oats all day to get sweet clover seed out of them

.. 25 Took sweet clover up to R. Robertsons to get {illegible} mangels

.. 26 A very stormy day. which drifted from the east.

.. 28 Jim McDonald went to Galt to work for the summer Edith & I went to an Oyster Supper at Grandpa Lees in honor of Fra and Ella Cline.

Mar 1st. Bought a Gaurdian Fire Extinguisher for $25.00

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