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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


Revision as of Mar 11, 2022, 9:36:30 PM, created by

Monday, May 11

June 15th Went to our S.S Convention at St. George, meeting Rev Mr Fletcher at the car and taking him down with me, the day was fine and the Convention was a real success.

. 16 Sowed turnips about 3 acres in West side of 14 acre field.

. 18 Dolly & Bessie came out to stay the weekend with us.

. 19 . I'm taking the Girls home {illegible} drove around by Clarence Lees and took tea with them, a very nice night & drive

.. 20 .. Finished cultivating corn 1st time. S.S Business Meeting (yearly) and Social Evening, {illegible}

' 21 . Started to do road work on the side-road. drawing cinders from the Lake, a very hot day.

.. 22. Went to Maggie Sharps Wedding in the afternoon which was at 3 O'clock. There were nearly 60 present.

.. 23 Drew cinders and repaired hill on the lane by the barn.

. 24 . Started to cut lucerne & Sweet Clover on North hill.

. 25 .. Went to S.S Picnic, going in {Autor?} to Victoria Park. Galt.

.. 26 .. Went over to Will Millers for a little while in the evening.

. 27 . Cultivated mangels 2nd Time, Tom Reynolds came to work in the afternoon

.. 28 . A heavy rain last night, Finished putting in Kitchen Drain.

.. 30 . Started to draw in hay off north hill. 5 loads of ucerne & 5 of Sweet Corn

July 3rd Grandma Little and Greireons came up for the evening

11th. Insured with the Western Farmers Weather Insurance Co. the Buildings & Contents for $2.000. at the rate of $2.00 per u. for 3 yrs. Finished cultivating corn the second time.

.. 5th Elyeen & Jennie Stewart came out for a few days. Don came out in the evening for the holidays.

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