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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925
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January was a very steady month, about 12 inches of snowfall and it was spendid sleighing since before Christmas, several times the thermomitor dropped below zero but scarcely a day that it thawed at all. Spent nearly all the month back at the bush cutting wood, taking Leme to school in the morning. Don came back after dinner with the team and we brought a load of wood at home each night. Drawing out manure and odd jobs on Saturday. February started cold, but some {beame?} milder thawing so much about the middle of the month that it spoiled our good sleighing. Attended Annual Fire Assurance Metting in Gald and Edith and the boys visited at Duncan Millers. And on the 13th went to Will Millers for dinner and to Uncle Andrews for tea. March came in very nicely, with a fall of snow which made a few days sleighing again, in the evening of {Marchend?}. Edith + I took a sleigh load and went to a shower at Mr + Mrs A.E. Lemmingtom for Alice Lynns. Spend the first weel in Mar. cleaning {papering?} and painting the setting room
Mar 5th Spend the evening with Mr + Mrs Allan Perley
- 10 - Tapped the maple trees at the bush (about 55) and started to trim the apple tress