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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


Revision as of May 17, 2022, 9:21:54 PM, edited by


Saturday, July 25

Sept 18th Paid Mrs Johnson for Butter 2.00
{illegible J. Aikin for {illegible} Fund 50
19 {illegible} $1.00 rods for cellar 40¢ groceries etc. 40¢ 2.40
{illegible} 9¢ box {illegible} rings 9¢ 2 gang plow {shares?} 20¢ 38
1 doz eggs 25¢ 1 {illegible} milk 5¢ 30
Matt Lewis $5.00 W.Sass on Grocery bill 5.00
Sweet corn 25¢ basket of plums 35¢ 60
24 Co. 10¢ chopping 25¢ {illegible} day 10¢ postage etc 10¢ {illegible} .55
26 corn 15¢ milk 20¢ 1 chicken 50¢ milk {19?} 1.05
Oct 1st. 1 hog weighing 230lbs @$8.40 per {illegible} 19.32
550 lbs of wheat @$1.05 per bus 9.62
Sold {illegible} 6 chickens. 5.00
Plow shares etc 90¢ chopping 60¢ weighing hog 10¢ 1.60
Paid Massy {illegible} of on {illegible} 22.00
Groceries 2.75 meat 25¢ 2 balls of twine $1.30 maps etc 25¢ 4.65
2nd {illegible} show 25¢ {sundries?} 25¢ pencils 10¢ bread 20¢ 0.80
1 chicken 50¢ apples 30¢ milk 20¢ 3 doz eggs 80¢ 1.80
Matt $5.00 stamps 10¢ 1 half dozen salt dishes (for J.C) $1.25 6.35
4th Church sub 1.00 Miss 50¢ Co. 45¢ {illegible} P. cards. 5¢ 2.00
5 Rec. Lor 2 loads of hay to D.P. Cement co 25.00
2 chickens $1.00 2 doz eggs 50¢ apples 10¢ 1.60
major shad 1.75 1 basket grapes 20¢ oranges + bananas 20¢ 1.15
1 war atlas 25¢ 1 milk {illegible} 15¢ c. buttons 5¢ bulbs 30¢ sewing {illegible} .90
Sugar 50¢ 1 box cedar 50¢ 1 purse 15¢ bread 10¢ .70
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