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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


Revision as of Mar 27, 2022, 6:01:00 PM, created by


May 17th Bought of R. Wright 1 load of Timothy hay $25.00
- . .. Gordon Gorde Grieson 1 horse {illegible} 30.00
18- Paid Mrs Reynolds 4 days work + washing 6.50
- 3 1/2 dry eggs from Mr Hisle for settings 1.75
20- 6 1/2 doz eggs @45c 2.92
- Bought of R. Murray 60 1/2 bus Oata @ $1.25 45.60
- Suit mended + cleaned at R. Murrays 2.50
- Meat 1.10 staples (wire) 25c paint {oil?} 90c 2 gals paint $3.40 5.65
- Groceries $4.04 Bread $4.01 Ediths dress $6.50 11.55
- 6 lbs mangel seed $3.50 But seed $4 conf 35x 3.80
- Creamery Cheque for April 285 lbs %23 @68c 49.54
- 12 lbs of butter @ 68.4 $4.92 May 22 Hartley 10.00 17.92
24- Church sub $2.00 Miss 25c Far at Sharp Reunion. 3.25
25 - Sold to Won Hebman 4 bags of seed potatoes 27.00
- Anniversary {Conest?} St. George $1.00 Co 10c 1.10
28 5 dry eggs @45.9 $2.25
- Groceries 2.05 Meat $1.00 Drugs $1.00 1 ps stockings 50 4.55
- 1 ps shoes (Ediths) $5.50 Jehna shool $1.40 5 {illegible} $1.20 8.20
Hardware $1.{illegible} Co. 25c Mrs Reynolds $3.00 {Maimie?} 25c 4.60
June 2nd/td> Bread 70c Hartley 20.00 1 1/2 bus seed {corn?} $1.65
4 gals gasoline $1.44 {cilinder?} oil 50c Co. 10c
4th 4 1/2 doz eggs @47c $2.11 2 doz @45c 90c 3.01
- Groceries $1.70 Meat 40 {Mangoes?} for budday $10.00 12.10
- 2 pkt {illegivle} $1.40 Dry Goods $3.77 Pont {illegible}
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