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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925
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Monday, November 9 1921
Mar 14th. Paid for {rep?} for chopper + engine $2.70 stabbing 35c 3.05 {Don?} {3c?} {caf?} {illegible} co 25c mother $25.00 25.75 {Bert?} Williams on balance {illegible} $20.00 20.00 7 doz. eggs @ {35c?} {illegible} Bread 48c 48 2.45
16- Cream Cheque for Feb. 355 lbs {illegible} @ {59c?} 48.14 1 {cent?} sugar $10.00 4 lbs of butter @ 58c $2.32 12.32 Buggy rep $4.00 cultivator {whaels?} $2.50 {charlie?} {shoolate?} 1.90 8.40 20 lb paid arsenate of lead @ 21c $4.20 2 tongue {pobe?} 60c 4.80 B. sugar 50c $ {illegible} coal - oil $1.60 {conf?} 15c 2.25
18- 2 bags of potatoes to miss Green @ $1.00 chopping 50c 2.50 Rec. from Farmers Advocate .75c
22- Repairing Engine $1.75 car fare 40c {both at?} 25c seeds 40c 2.80
24- Bought of R. Veal 1 calf. $5.50 Bread 48c paper 2c 6.00 6 1/2 doz. eggs. 50c $1.95 9 1/2 doz eggs @30c 2.85 4.80
26- 6 {bags?} of corn $6.00 chopping 20c 3 {cent?} of cotton seed {illegible} 2.75 {illegible} 14.45 1 {illegible} of salt $1.25 onion {illegible} 40c Groceries $2.85 4.60 Dry Goods $2.60 Meat {illegible} 5 gals. coal- oil $1.60 {illegible} 7.85 {illegible} {Johnsen?} {lense?} for car $1.50 5 gals gasoline @ 42c 3.60
28- Bread 48c co. 50c conf. 20c new {illegible} bulbs for car {illegible} 2.08
Apr 2nd {Lisener?} for car $13.00 flower for Mr Simons {illegible} Dry {coller?} {illegible} 14.05 Suit pressed $2.00 tops 40c meat 40c Drugs $1.00 cof. 20c 4.50 Dry Goods 55c Groceries $1.71 {illegible} 15c 2.41 14 doz. eggs @25c {illegible} of potatoes in {illegible} 70 .70 3.50 {illegible} {Don?} + {mangarite?} $4.00 Bread at 49c {illegible} overalls $1.00 {illegible} 5.79