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Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1911-1915


Revision as of Aug 8, 2023, 10:10:46 PM, created by

Aug Sept 1912

8 J took cream & took 11 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 23 cts A got horse Sanday shod AM they Plowed in Wheat stubble PM W slow steady rain AM rather PM ground well soaked

9 Boys Plowed W rather Cloudy slow drizzly rain at times some heavy rain & distant thunder after dark quite heavy at times some rain last night

10 Boys Plowed AM A went to Scotts Barn raising on 11th ConPM J finished Plowing PM I went to Joes for Bread I took Susanna & Mrs Mayberry to Benj'ns PM & brought them home again W warm some clouds going round dark a little like showers

Sunday 11 at home J A & Susanna went to Benj'ns to dinner W. rain off & on AM some heavy showers some thunder over the lake this evening there is a lot of water in our Pond

12 A took 7 hogs 1290 lbs @ $8.20 to Locust Hill for Shanks then they harrowed the Wheat stubble that was Ganged I & Nancy went to Br N's Lizzy to dinner Menno Burkholder brought Catherine McGregor to supper W. quite warm rather Cloudy

13 Boys cut part of field mixed grain behind Cider house & part of Oats in NE Corner field I & Nancy went to Menno Reesors he was not at home then we went to Uriah Drudges to dinner W very warm

14 Boys cut Oats I & Nancy went to Davids to dinner W quite warm Clear A helped Benj'n draw dung with team AM

15 Boys cut oats AM they drew in 7 oads barley PM Benj'ns Wilfred helped I took 10 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove AM @ 25 cts Teenie Stove was here to dinner W. Cler Cool

16 Boys finished drawing barley 1 load of raking AM they cut Oats PM W. fine Cler Cool

17 Boys cut Oats AM they finished field East of dam & last few acres behind Cider House then they drew in few loads Mixed grain & few loads Oats W. Cloudy all day drizzly rain this evening I went to Joes for Susanna's bread

Sunday 18 at home Henrys Russell & Louis Grove were here to dinner Hermans Harvey was here PM Elias's Called awhile PM W. Cloudy about all day

19 Boys ganged in field North of Meeting house AM they cut in Peas & oats N West corner field PM I went to Murisons for Butter PM W. Cloudy nearly all day

20 A helped Benj'n thresh J cut Peas & oats in NW Corner AM Machine came after dinner began threshing at 2 PM to until did not get done W. cloudy {illegible}

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