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Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1911-1915


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April 1913 Apr 1913

8 J helped at house cleaning & they spread dung around Raspberries & Chored I walked to Br C's I got pretty tired Dr Dale Called to see Susanna she has been pretty poorly W. Mostly clear slight frost last night thawed today

9 A went to Markham AM he brought Annie Ramer daughter of the late Samuel Ramer to work for us ths Coming summer J took a grist A helped burn the grass in Hebron grave yard PM Daniels wee here to diner frost last night clear today

10 Boys drew home stove wood form bush AM they took 21 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 18 cts & Chored PM W East wind drizzly rain heavy at times PM

11 Boys Clipped Major & Chief Henry was here PM David Groves were here to dinner & supper W. Cloudy Misty AM fine & clear PM

12 A was at Mill for Chop AM J started early before dinner & went to Kirkham dipping suckers he Caught 8 fine big Ones W. clear fine & warm

Sunday 13 we all went to Benj'n to dinner W. very fine & clear all day J & A went to Hermans after supp

14 A was at Henry's Clipping Horses J helped wash AM he scraped roads with log PM . W. very fine warm cler I walked to Br C's this morning he is pretty smart

15 I & Nancy went to Joe's to dinner J took fat Cow to Locust Hill for Shank @ $50.00 she weighed 1180 lbs Boys fixed fences PM W. very fine clear

16 A & Nancy went her old home Peters Mary has not been well she is up & around again they staid to dinner then they went to her Brother Samuels for a good Call J took cream & chored W. very fine cler

17 I & Nancy went to Elias's to dinner Susanna & Anne went to Markham with horse Major A roled behind Cider house J Grubbed East of dam A took 24 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove this evening @ 17 cts Herman Calle this evening

18 Boys sowed nearly 1/2 of field East of dam with Ots I walked to see Aunt Lizzie Burkholder she is poorly W. very very warm a thunder shower Came up after supper did not rain very much pretty heavy thunder over the lake

19 Boys finished sowing field East of dam except on headland W. cler very Cold strong NW wind very cold wind

{second page}

Apr 1913 May

Sunday 20 at home little Ada Barkey was here today Thomas's girls & Amy & Ada Mayberry was here PM W. Clear day a strong NW wind froze hard last night, quite hard sun thawed some today but the Air did not thaw

21 A took grist Chop J helped wash AM they grubbed in NE Corner field PM W. pretty hard frost last night Cler Milder PM

22 Boys worked at seeding in NE Corner field sowing Peas & Oats W. slight rain last night cloudy & drizzly nearly all day Milder

23 Boys helped Clean house AM drove down Posts in the Pickering Townline fence south of Meeting house & Chored PM W. a pretty heavy thunder shower this Morning slight shower today pretty warm

24 A went to Markham AM J Plowed furrows to let water off fields they worked at seeding PM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM W. fine quite warm

25 Boys worked at seeding W. Clear not so very warm very fine day for working horses

26 Boys worked at seeding W. cloudy nearly all day getting Cooler PM Susanna & Anne went to Joes PM strong wind towards evening

Sunday 27 at home nobody here A Susanna & A{illegible} went to Flavius to dinner W. slow steady rain all day except about an hour PM not warm

28 A went to Markham AM J helped wash AM J took grist Chop A Planted lot of Prune trees PM W. Cler Cool creeks pretty high

29 Boys worked at seeding I went awhile to Meeting house this Morning there were about 20 others scrubbing the Meeting house W. fine Cler worked at seeding they got done except 5 acres in the NW corner field W. fine clear Cool air J & A went to Henry's

May 1st al went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Willis remarks by Br C sermon on Acts part of 10 C by C Burkholder I took a bad spell became unconscious the boys Carried Me & then brought me home & Called Dr Dale he gave {illegible} he said my stomach was affected nearly our {illegible} called PM W. very fine cler day

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