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Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1911-1915


Revision as of Sep 21, 2023, 12:17:58 AM, created by

Aug Sept 1914

August 27 J took grist Chop A harrowed AM they both helped Benj'n cock hay PM W partly cloudy Air from East Mary & Children were here today

28 A Plowed awhile in Wheat stubble J struck out some lands in NE corner field then Ernie came after dinner & they began to put in some Tiles in NW corner field J raked the Field south of bush where the Alfalfa was he got some rakings W. partly cloudy not very warm Benj'ns Vera was here to supper

29 Boys worked at drain J brought a load tiles before dinner it rained pretty heavy last night& some at times today the boys cleaned seed wheat when it rained it cleared up before sundown

Sunday 30 Thomas J & Amelia went to Henrys to dinner I had a very bad attack of Dysentary last night & today am very weak W. partly cloudy not very warm

31 Boys worked at drain AM J helped B Diller thresh & A finished drain PM W. Mostly cloudy thunder clouds going around went over the lake PM one Just now going but no rain here

Sept 1 Boys both Plowed till rain stopped them about 1100 then there was a very heavy rain a little while PM & a little distant thunder J went to Ceder Grove towards evening

2 Boys Plowed W. Cloudy with showers

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