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Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1928

Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_162.pdf

Revision as of Jun 3, 2023, 2:43:27 PM, created by

Sunday, October 28 Weather, Partly fair, cold Attended S.S. + Church in morning In afternoon, Gertie + I went away first called in at Browns + then went over to, W.m Boyingtons for visit + stayed for tea. {?} Came home + attended church service and in coming out were found Det. Gibb + her fiancie we all came home + spent the evening by fireplace

Monday. October 19 Weather, Mostly fair with snow flurries Men chew manura in morning picked apples in afternoon till snow came + then clipped cattle Cleaned hen house out in morning + ploughed in afternoon Gertie went down to church in afternoon Attended W.M.S. Thank offerening meeting at night. Mr + Mrs. Shants gave us an idea on life in {?} Leo took two loads of straw to city

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