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Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1929

Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_017.pdf

Revision as of Mar 19, 2023, 4:46:18 PM, created by

Thursday, January 24

Weather, Mostly fair. East wind, not so cold Churned 75 lbs butter in morning Norm picked over some beans Fred got horses front feet showed Tightened clutch on car in afternoon Went to Unionville to curl at night along with Jim Attinson {Atkinson?}

Friday, January 25

Weather, Strong east wind with snow in morning turning to rain by noon wind changing to strong west + colder Picked over apples + prepared produce for city in morning + men picked twelve old hens. Went to Markham to Curl in afternoon along with R. Boyinton. Jack + Mr. Grant got beaten 13-5

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