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Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1929

Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_018.pdf

Revision as of Mar 19, 2023, 4:54:57 PM, created by

Saturday, January 26

Weather, fair + cold, W + North. W. Winds Market day Produce from farm Butter 96 lbs Cream 61 pts Eggs 30 doz Apples 6 bu 12 fowl Gertee + Della went to city with me Nothing much doing

Sunday, January 27

Weather, fine + cold Attended S. S. + Church in morning. Mrs Craig came home with us from church + stayed the rest of the day. Della + Dorothy came up in the afternoon Attended Young Peoples meeting at the church at night. Lantern slide entitled His Dominion. This was the fist time to try the new lantern

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