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Andrew McFarland Learn Diary, 1873-1877


Revision as of Dec 2, 2023, 4:06:02 PM, created by

I wednesday in N & Rain Dane Chaars let Pq Putman have 90 Bushel en 10lbs wheat for 81 121/2 ets per bushes $10 Raindall to farquers at night.

& thursday in N w claudy to st thomsa got etms a Bani tam ove Shoes to dines to fathers to tea to elder A smiths to new Sasum to meeting in evening slay cock pneachew. to lyman learns at night Randall done chaars.

9 friday in sclaudy snoe to Break faste to lymass came hame fame maan randall to Behmant after mean sale week hid per $275

10 saturday in S Wclaudy snow to Belmant afternoon got from dyer over cau T$6 pair Dyer in full $ 1082 Randaal Drawer 2 load of wood sold yalm learners the old sew for $7.00 11 sunday win N.W snow to new sarumm to church slay rock pneacoches. to poilph Learners to diner gave Dearan New cant $175 for the Raptish Paper.

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