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Andrew McFarland Learn Diary, 1873-1877


Revision as of Jul 12, 2023, 5:54:35 PM, created by

27 Wednesday WD {wind} NW Rain cloudy Drawed wood 1/2 and corn 50sh came to belmont. went to bills at night

28 Thursday WD {wind} SW Rain To London to Western show home at night john husked corn

29 fryday WD {wind} clear done choars john Drawed manure on garden

30 Saturday WD W clear To Belmont got cheese money $26.00 got cloth 3 1/2 yrds $105 from jackson 5ct peper john Drawed manure

OCTOber 1876

1 Sunday wd {wind} SW clear To Belmont to church Mckinen preached. john at home

2 Monday WD {wind} SW clear husked corn [icked aples john comenced to plow

3 Tuesday WD SW Rain to Lyons show john plowed

4 Wednesday WD {wind} W clear husked corn. john plowed

5 Thursday WD {wind} SW clear to Aylmer show john plowed Nolson and wife to tea

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