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Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary, 1926-1927


Revision as of Jul 15, 2023, 2:52:39 PM, edited by

January, 1926.

17 Sunday.Fair and quite mild. Walter, Ella and Vernon went to Sunday school this morning and to Jus. Schweitzer's for dinner and supper.

18 Monday. Mild and rained all day. Walter and Ella left this morning intending to take Vernon to Elmira and go on from there to Grandpa Krauter's but it rained so hard that Ella got off at Schwinlts and stayed there all day until Walter got back.

19 Tuesday. Fine and somewhat colder. We butchered a pig here today and worked it up for Alfred and Orville Shantz. Orville Shantz was here for dinner.

20 Wednesday. Mild & drizzly this morning. Turned colder. Ella did her washing. Walter butchered 2 pigs at Otto Millers today

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