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Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary, 1926-1927


Revision as of Aug 20, 2023, 2:34:23 AM, created by

March, 1926

1 MondayChangeable weather Walter & Ella took Vermow to Elvira this morning. We had the heavy team hitched to the slegh and took a load of grist. It snowed something feirce when we were going down. Ella had some work done at Dr.Helline's and they had their dinner at Art Kleinek's Jakes King came alone up from Elmirne Walter killed a beef at Louis Miller's this afternoon.

2 Tuesday Snowing and storming Walter was butchering at Louis Miller's today. Ella did her washing. 2

3 Wednesday Ferice storm all day. The snow banks are higher than ever. Walter butchered a cow and two big pigs at Liercohes Weaver's today. Weley Weasver of Seulae, Sask. came home with him and was here for the night.

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