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Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary, 1926-1927


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May, 1926.

24 Monday. Clear windy & cool. The mew worked at the fence. Ella and Vernom did the washing this morning and Ella boiled another batch of soap. Walter's callers - Noah Miller, Addison, Harvey & Lorne Reist, Mr. Oppertshauser, {Name?} Krig, Louis Miller, Jus. Stange and Mr. Kraft, Edmund Bonn. Walter visited Leon Wagner tonight.

25 Tuesday. Fine cool day. The mew worked at the fence this forenoon. This p.m. Walter, Ella & Vernom went to Kitchener and got Vernom some new clothes. We stopped at the church and Walter attended the {?} meeting. Aubrey was harrowing.

26 Wednesday. Fine day. Aubrey and Vernom were plowing and cultivating the mausel ground. Ella boiled the soap over again. Alex Letson's house on the 12th of Peel burned down today.

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