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Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary, 1926-1927
Revision as of Oct 18, 2023, 9:27:15 PM, edited by
5 Friday. The ground is covered with snow again this morning. Snowflurries. Cloudy & cold. Vernon & Aubrey plowed and Walter worked at his drain.
6 Saturday. Fine day. The men were plowing.
7 Sunday. Lovely day. We went to S. School this morning and were at Chas. Hilliards' for dinner and supper. Pearl & Milton were there too. We came back for the service at Woolwich. Rev. Heuriel of N. Easthope and Mr. Drikall of Stratford were there.
8 Monday. Thanksgiving Day. Fair. Our company - Mr. & Mrs. {inelligible}. Maurer, Mr. & Mrs. Ezra Mauerer, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hamel, Margaret, Sonny, Betty & Constance, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Helill and Glen, Mr. & Mrs. Colson Jefferson. Ray and Lois, Miss Mirion Mauerer, Mr. Wilfred Underwoof and Mr. Meroin Smith.