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Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary, 1926-1927


Revision as of Dec 6, 2024, 3:40:48 AM, edited by

9 Tuesday. Rained hard last night. Quite mild and rained practically all day. Aubrey left after dinner and is going to {live?} Wearver's for a month. WAlter killed a cattle beast here for Enoch Schneider.

10 Wednesday. Very cold & windy. Ella did her washing and she & Vernon cleaned two rooms upstairs this afternoon. Walter went to Elmina with Joe Stange and attended Dave Brubacher's butchers' shop sale.

11 Thursday. Very cold day. Walter shipped hogs at Elmira Vernon & Ella cleaned the parlor and dining room today.

12 Friday. Cloudy and not quite so cold. Vernon & Ella cleaned the kitchen today. WAlter took a load of grit to Froradale this afternoon. Married - On Nov 5. Gertrude Snider and Clarence {Schneider?}

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