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William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893

William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_006.pdf

Revision as of Sep 11, 2023, 8:42:53 PM, edited by

January, 18th 1892.

Mon, 18.

Quite mild in the morning. commenced snowing about eleven Oclock. from the {south?} turning north east and snowing very heavily all day with the appearance of continuing all night,

Tue, 19.

Snowing till noon. fall of snow about 6 inches, turning very cold often it cleared off. Unto to P.M {illegible}

Wed, 20.

Very cold, {Thermometer?} at 30: {zero?} A beautiful bright day {morning?} considerable. but cold again to/night

Thu. 21.

Cold. but beautiful day, drifting some in the morning. Helped to catch Naval {stonees?} horses which ranaway at the station while unloading hay

Fri. 22.

Quite mild in the morning, and commenced snowing about noon and turning almost to rain at night

Jany. 23rd. 1892

Sat. 23.

Beautiful day. mild and clear. appearance of snow at night.

Sun. 24.

Snowing all day. but very, light partly clearing off at night. {Grih?}

Mon. 25.

Lovely winters day. very mild. sun shining at intervals, An unlucky day for the boys. {Houring?} upset their load of hay twice. and {straep?} mce, turning colder at night with high winds and squalls.

Tue. 26.

Very cold, sun shining in the morning. very cold wind all day. Thermometer 20 {degrees symbol -}

Wed. 27.

Cold and raw, cold west wind with a light snow fall towards night, Mrs Warnes. and Ida visiting at Alfred {Broron's?}


Mild, very fine snow falling nearly all day, h.{illegible} {harin?} desailed at {Najance Mills?} played crochet with H Bechell {illegible} test {illegible} saw Henry, {name?}.

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