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William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893

William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_010.pdf

Revision as of Sep 21, 2023, 5:06:50 PM, edited by

February 27th 1892

Sat. 27.

Clear bright day, but cold, gale of the night previous about spent, about 10º below zero this morning.

Sun. 28.

Beautiful day. But cold strong. light snow from the south west, turning eastward at night turning to a heavy gale about 11 .P.M.

March 1st 1892.

Tue .1.

Clear and cold with heavy north East wind.

Wed .2.

Clear and cold, with heavy gales from north east, calm at night, Mr. A. {Pringle?} and myself visited Thompsons paper mills.

Thru. 3.

Lovely day warm, five, at night {avely} lovely sun-dog was seen on north side of sun

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