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William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860

William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_07.pdf

Revision as of Nov 23, 2023, 11:11:48 PM, edited by


May 15 Sowed 3 3/4 bushel of wheat in the 2nd field & some flax & carrot seed had Robs horse finished the plowing & sowing fine day {in left hand margin} 20 bushel of {illegible} wheat in all
16 Granpa & David Wat Liz went Mallorytown to A Quartly Meeting fine Day
17 plowed John Elinghams garden & drew 2 loads of stuff from Weeks Sawmill rain in afternoon {in left margin} plumb trees in full blossom
18 sowed 9 1/2 bushel of oats of on the fall rye it is killed
19 finished draging the oats & whear the corn & potatos is to be planted showery wheather Jock went to John Younges to help him
20 planted about 1 acre of potatos in the 2 field & more than an acre below the Bull paster Robert Armstrong helped heavy rain last night
21 planted 1/2 acre of corn in the 2 field in the forenoon heavy rain so that we could not plow
22 planted about 1 acre of corn below the Bull paster on the first ridge Granpas pumkin & squash is planted & 3 & 4 rows is his corn William Weeks Wife died last night Jock came home from John Younges he has got all sowed
23 went to the funeral of the late Mrs Weeks she was buired in caintown the Revd Mr McMurry preach
24 the boys went to Brockville to see the performance of the Queens Birth Day heavy rain last night
25 David & Wat went to John Younges to help him to atend the Masons
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