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William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_08.pdf
Revision as of Nov 25, 2023, 11:00:55 PM, edited by
June 1 | Picked stones on the cristes place & made fence on the west line |
2 | Do Do Do Do |
3 | went to Lyne with firkins gave to Baxter & to & got 22 lbs of sole leather on an note or due bill from Colman to Group 24 cents per l Jock 11 3/4 lb of the leather that he is to pay for |
4 | heavy rain to Day plowed part of the turnip ground |
5 | went to Brockville sold 2 hams got 5 per lb they weyed 40 lb butter 9 per lb brougth Mr McMurry he is to preach at caintown very heavy rain this morning |
6 | went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McMurry preach |
7 | worked at the stones & fence |
8 | Do Do Do Do little rain to night |
9 | rain all Day no work |
10 | Do Do Do made A gate for the bull paster the ground is in a flood with water from the heavy rain |
11 | worked on the stones & fence finished them in the forenoon & began to plow |
12 | went to Lyn with 22 bushel of wheat to mill took 3 1/2 bushel of peas sold them to Baxter got 2.6 per bushel 1 shovel 4.6 & 2 hoes 1.8 each |
13 | went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Goodson preach very heavy rain most of the day |
14 | heavy rain this morning went on to the roads James Mott the path master caim & stopped us & put it off untill tusday week I then got stuff for cradles |