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William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860

William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_10.pdf

Revision as of Nov 28, 2023, 12:36:00 AM, edited by


July 1 Went threw the turnips with Bet the flys is very bad David helped Wm Hazelwood & Jock drew sand from Lyn for him very warm Day
2 went to Brockville with Wat he is going to Toronto to the Board of examination
3 helped John Innis to make a Jack for his thrashing machin A fine Showr this afternoon David draged on the cristie place Jock plowed in the harper field
4 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in caintown
5 David went through the corn & potatos with the cultivator very Dry weather & made pass
6 hoed the potatos the ground very dry
7 Do Corn Do
8 finished the hoeing fine shower in the at night
9 Jock went to Brockville with A calf & sheep he got 3 dollars for the sheep bought 2 scyths 5s.7 1/2d warnted from Ashely & fixed some horse rake teeth for A Armstrong
10 Walter Lucy went to Lyn with firkins for Elingham I went farmersville with the School Mistress she was brough up by Mathew Towe for whipping his son the cace was not sustained it was tryed before Mesefsrs Giles Hazelwood & Parish
11 the Revd Mr Milles preached in caintown
12 heavy rain last night & all day to lay the ground in A swim or flood
13 let water of the Turnips the ground in A flood made a hay rack for bobs waggon
14 Began to mow below the house fine Day
15 mowed in the little orchard grafs good
16 Do Do Do & drew in to the old Barn
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