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William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860

William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_40.pdf

Revision as of Dec 5, 2023, 9:55:12 PM, edited by


Oct 1 cleaned the Buckwheat had 17 bushel very wet day
2 the Revd Mr Mills preahd in caintown & the Revd Mr Harvy in our school house heavy rain & hail
3 I helped John Ackland to thrash his Buckwheat the boys drew the pumkins
4 went to Brockville with 3 Barrels of snow Apples 1 Barrels I rolled every apple in paper it is to go to Glasgow the other 2 is for Mr Robinson own use got 3 dollars & 12s.6d each for the other two
5 went to John Younges with Jock Elen & Margret on a visit Jock & me went to Kitley Fair fine Day
6 helped John Ackland to thrash his wheat
10 helped John Ackland to thrash his oats
11 had a loging Bee on the Cristies place got A fine job done fired the most the heaps very dry wheather
12 worked at fire & logheaps
13 worked at the fire in the forenoon & began to draw in the corn the wind rose to a great very high & blew the fire into the stumps & into the old fences between Ackland & us & then into acrofs Ackland into Hogan fence burned all the old stable
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