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William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860

William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_48.pdf

Revision as of Dec 8, 2023, 12:15:09 AM, edited by

1 {illegible line} was up in the frount {line illegible}
2 {illegible} back to {illegible} all Day fine wheather
4 went to Brockville to an agriculture meeting {illegible} went with me {illegible} brought a lot of {illegible} at {illegible} paid 10 dollars toward them he owes 11 or 12 yet
5 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Willson preach snow nearly gone
6 went to Elerrys sawmill & got 14 shillings worth of Butternut lumber
7 drew firewood out of the swamp
8 drew ceder of the drowned land at cristies for fences there the fields nearly bare
9 worked at the cedar fine Day
10 Do Do Do
11 Do Do Do David helped yesterday & to Day
12 No Meeting to Day in caintown it was quarterly Meeting at Lyn the roads so bad that we did not go they were bair
13 drew the small hemlock that was piled for the fence on the line betwen Ackland snow
14 began to Draw pine logs to Mc Mill drew 14
15 went to Lyn with 68 flour Barrels for Colman
16 went to Elbe to see John Robeson about Wats Mare she got a nail in her foot a fortnight ago he will come & see her tomorow
17 drew 12 pine saw logs to Mc's Mill
18 drew 12 Do Do snowed this afternoon snowed & blowed all day did not go to Meeting
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