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William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860

William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_51.pdf

Revision as of Dec 8, 2023, 9:59:02 PM, edited by


March 17 Went to Lorenzu Motts & Paid him fifteen Dollars that I owed him on the trade of horses
18 the Revd Mr Mills preached in caintown
19 Sawed Bunks in the calf paster {in left margin} stormed 6 times to Day rain & snow
20 went S. Innises & got the waggon tire welded & punched an old crobar for an arbour for the boreing machin that am makeing very stormy Day
21 went to Rueben Fields to see about our annual report he did not sent it when he should
22 came home from Fields roads very bad
23 drew wood from the hill in drags snowed {in left margin} snow
24 went to Brockville in the Buggy got 2 1/2 per pound & 2d per lb for the fore quarters paid the Widow Ronalds twelve dollars that I owed the Dr for atending David
25 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
26 worked at the frame for the boreing Machin
27 went to Lyn with 54 flour barrels to Colman with Edglys waggon
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