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William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_60.pdf
Revision as of Dec 12, 2023, 1:02:38 AM, edited by
July 1 | Went to Brockville & heard the Revd Mr Morrison preach fine Day |
2 | hoed the potatos in the orchard & went through the Beets & carrots |
3 | Began to hoe the potatos at Cristies rained in the afternoon |
4 | finished the potatos & plowed through the corn |
5 | went to Sam Innises put a new axel reach & headblock in the Buggy heavy rain last night & most of the Day the ground has got a compleat weting |
6 | mended the harnefs this forenoon the ground to wet to hoe |
7 | went to Brockville to hear a sermon before sacrament stopt at Aunt Marys all night she is very poorly |
8 | partook of the sacrament Jock Margret & Elen came down this morning I came home with them {in left margin} rain |
9 | went to Lyn with 28 flour barrels & 5 firkins for J Williams Darling got the firkins & colman the barrels heavy rain at noon {in left margin} rain |
10 | helped Rob to fix his hay rack fine day |
11 | worked at the turnips carrots & beets the Revd Mr Morrison preached at caintown & stopt at Jocks all night he brought him up |
12 | I went to Lyn with the Revd Mr Morrison the boys worked at the {cut off} |
13 | went to Charlestown for a load of bats David began to Mow a little fine Day |
14 | the boys al went to the mountain to huckleberry I mowed a little in the forenoon |
15 | the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown |
16 | began to Mow in the field frount of Elizes went to Lyn with {smudged out} flour Barrels for Colman & 5 firkins to Baxter rain about noon |