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William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860

William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_61.pdf

Revision as of Dec 12, 2023, 1:43:05 AM, edited by


Sept 1 began to cut the Scotch wheat beyond the barn fine crop
2 the Revd Mr Har{illegible} preached in caintown
3 went to Brockville to see the Prince of Wails he was to be at 5 oclock he did not come in till after dark saw his hat & that was all the town was beautifully luminated at night & a torchlight prosession went along with him through the streets got home at one oclock
4 worked at the wheat & oats John Edgley & Rob Armstrong helped John Yonge & two of his Boys came hear on there road to Lansdown to help Cristie
5 finished the oats a most of the wheat Rob helped fine Day
6 finished all the cutting fine Day the Wind North East
7 drew the peas & the oats from cristies & part of the wheat west of the Barn this forenoon fine crop rain in the afternoon
8 drew in the rest of the wheat west of the Barn this forenoon fine crop rain in the afternoon {in left margin} first rain {illegible} storms
9 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
10 went to Mill with 10 bushel of oats for the horses
11 James Clow & his wife came to see Granpa drew in the wheat from Criste place rain this afternoon
12 thrashed the wheat from criste place cleaned it & had 8 bushel took it to the Mill
13 the Boys went to Mallorytown to a picnic
14 went to Brockville & met John Robeson & his daughter Agness they came on a visit
15 drew stones to the dich at the Barn
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