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William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860

William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_71.pdf

Revision as of Dec 12, 2023, 8:48:44 PM, created by

sent 1 dollar to Thompson & Co for the Ath{cut off} October 21. 1859

Sketch #1:

{2 lines at 45 degrees diagonal meeting up to a vertical. 1 horizontal line from base of first 45 diagonal line, intersecting 2 45 diagonal line meeting vertical}

5 feet long {on 1st 45 degree diagonal}

Do {on 2nd 45 degree diagonal}

1 foots 3 inches {on Horizontal Line}

6 feet {on Vertical line}

teeth 8 1/2 inches {under sketch}

Sketch #2

{looks like a stake in the ground, hilled up around base with 3 horizontal bars insecting at regular intervals}

11 inches long {on first horizontal bar}

10 inches long {on second horizontal bar}

9 1/2 long {on third horizontal bar}

6 inches apart {on vertical in between horizontal bar}

{on vertical stake} 3 inches {between ground and first horizontal}  6 inches { between first and second horizontal bars 

15 inches from sadle to the top Bar {written vertically on right hand side of sketch

Sketch #3 {A curved arc with a circle and the beginning and end, and at the top midpoint of arc.}

7 inches to the center {written above first half of arc}

this is the cavis or halter part of the Breaking harnefs {written below sketch}

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