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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


Revision as of Aug 3, 2023, 3:01:17 AM, created by

Chronic Ill Health.

Scarcely a day passes, in the life of the busy physi-cian, during which he is not consulted by at least one patient who is the unfortunate subject of chronic ill health, from one cause or another. The different factors responsible for long continued invalidism are varied and diverse, but if we exclude organic disease, such as carcinoma, tuberculosis, syphilis, etc., the large majority are neurasthenics and dyspeptics. Of course every physician realizes that the term "neurasthenic" is unscientific and that it is employed, for want of a better name, for the well-known group of symptoms most often noted in the city dweller. who has "burned the candle at both ends" or whose occupation and environment is such as to produce general as well as nervous devitalization. The chronic dyspeptic is usually a neurasthenic, in whom the digestive symptoms predominate, and who generally requires the same reconstructive treatment and regimen. Nerve tonics, stimulants, "pick-me-ups," etc., are usually not only useless, but harmful, and so-called "nerve foods" are but therapeutic "will o' the wisps." Nutrition and blood glandular reenforcement is the essential indication and there is no general reconstructive and reconstituent that shows more prompt and potent effects than Pepto-Mangan (Gude), a ferruginous and manganic restorative and blood-builder of proved and undoubted efficiency, entirely free from the irritant, corrosive, astringent and constipating effect of the ordinary preparations of metallic iron.

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