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Sidney Clarence Van Sickle Diary, 1909-1913


Revision as of Jul 17, 2023, 3:39:43 PM, edited by

1909. Daily Record.

June 18 Friday. doing chores. drawing out manure finished had 129 loads. manure. Posted letter to H.E.P. & sent Laundry away. bot. buiscuit. vaseline. & Postage stamps. Will Farston in town this Eve. Recd milk check to. day = $1.34 =

June 19 Saturday. doing chores. Plowing turnip ground. F.W.M. working on turnip ground.

June 20 Sunday done chores. got Alberts horese & drove to Rockton. & had dinner with hep {H.E.P.} came home early & helped do chores. Frank away to Harrisburg. & had dinner at F.C. Braithwaites.

{J}une 21 Monday. doing chores. J working on road this forenoon. very warm. Plowing this afternoon. F.W.M. sowed part of turnips. & working on turnip ground.

June 22 Tuesday. doing chores. mending harness. Plowing buck-wheat ground. Frank working on turnip ground.

June 33 23 Wednesday. Plowed head land in hoe crop field. took sow to C. Weavers Boar. & went to Rockton in afternoon to see foot Ball sport. & stayed for {coneert?} at night. Frank & Jean there also. rainy most of afternoon.

June 24 Thursday. fine & warm. fixing fence along wheat field. cleaning up orchard. & moving Lumber. field.

June 25 Friday.

June 26 Saturday.

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