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Sidney Clarence Van Sickle Diary, 1909-1913
Revision as of Sep 24, 2023, 11:52:50 PM, edited by
1910 Daily Record.
Sept 13 Tuesday. doing chores. took milk to F. plowing. the rest of day. had cold in head. & not feeling well.
Sept 14 Wednesday. doing chores. took milk to Factory. finished plowing field. & got in load corn for cows. & cutting corn in field. Baby girl arrived.
XXX to Mr & Mrs F.W.Mulholland.
Sept 15 Thursday. doing chores. cutting corn & took milk to Factory. Father had team away to Harrisburg for brick.
Sept 16 Friday. doing chores. took milk to Factory. cutting corn. & helping Frank Barlow finish threshing. Father away to Longford. to see Ramsey's & to gedt Honey. bought 1/2 cheese from Factory for Geo Archer. very nice day.
Sept 17 Saturday. doing chores. took milk to factory. got in load corn for cows. cutting corn. the rest of day.
Sept 18 Sunday. doing chores. Harvest Home services in church. damp & cloudy. I to church morning & evening Rev Mr Shepperd preached at both services.
Sept 19 Monday. doing chores. cutting fodder corn. & tieing up same.
Sept 20 Tuesday. doing chores. tieing up corn in forenoon. not very well in P.M. Jean & baby down. & had dinner & tea went home at night.
Sept 21 Wednesday. doing chores.
Sept 22 Thursday. doing chores.