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Sidney Clarence Van Sickle Diary, 1909-1913


Revision as of Aug 21, 2023, 12:58:45 AM, created by

Daily Record

Tuesday doing chores getting meals Father & I over barn measuring stone walls took some lumber over to fix barn & went to Rameys for to see about buckwheat brought pole up from woods & doing some plowing in lot very nice day.

Wednesday doing chores Casper Ram-ey brought 2 1/2 bushel buckwheat Paid $1.75 S.E.V went to office & posted letter to H.E.P killed a chicken in a.m not feeling very well.

Thursday doing chores killed 3 chickens & helped pick same drawing out 2 loads manure into orchard & got some mangels from pit East wind quite mild & farmers plowing no frost.

Friday doing chores & fixing around in general made 1 axe handle in a.m. father went to Seth Vansickles sale in P.M I took my shoes to H.W. Rouses.

saturday doing chores very nasty day stormy from the east went to rouses & got shoes paid 50% for same .

Sunday doing chores went to church morning & evening

monday doing chores & helping mother to wash in forenoon. went up to H.W Rouses in P.M. & got shoes healed paid 25%.

Tuesday doing chores & making clothes reel in a.m. went to Howards in P.M. to see about hay. father & mother were married 44 years.

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