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Sidney Clarence Van Sickle Diary, 1909-1913


Revision as of Aug 9, 2023, 2:15:39 AM, edited by

Daily Record 1912

monday New years day. cold west wind doing chores. mr and mrs Bate of Toronto here also mr and mrs F.W Muller and & family and Jean and family. also albert and miss Wroden of Paris. Polling day at Lynden for township officers reeve Dupety Reeve and councilers.

 Reeve - chas sparks 464 464 
 D.Reeve - {sames  Champian?} 359 aec.
 council - Frank Biggs 464  464
                E. mc.Pherson 417   417
                S . moffalt.  533417  533

Tuesday doing chores. had headache and sick all day.Jean and family here.

Wednesday doing chores. got over some mangels from pit not doing much in afternoon wrote letter at night.

Thursday doing chores and cutting wood and took some wood into cellar. Cold west wind posted letter.

Friday doing chores and fixing around very cold with west wind Rew letter from H.E.P city also work wrote one Rew another at night.

Saturday doing chores fixing up stable in foremon cutting wood in afternoon cold west wind. Had Settlement with R.A Thompson to date for 1 1/2 days work $ 2.25.

Sunday doing chores home all day went to church at night cold.

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